LUNARIS is a brand, as well as a website that focuses on providing the latest news and information related to space and space exploration. It is a platform created specifically for those interested in space exploration, astronomy, astrophysics and generally fascinating events taking place beyond the boundaries of our planet.

Through the LUNARIS brand website, users can obtain the latest news, view fascinating space images, read scientific articles and participate in discussions with other space enthusiasts.

Project goals

The goal was to visualize the news on a timeline to illustrate the scale and pace of discovering new information about the cosmos. Therefore, great emphasis has been placed on the use of smooth and carefully placed animations that emphasize the scales and enhance the user experience. In general, the use of animation helps to give your site a lively feel.

It also helps create a more engaging and interactive experience for users, making them more likely to browse the site and learn more about events.

Horizontally Scrolling Platform: Visualize Time's Depth, Focus on Key Events. Unique feature enables users to grasp chronological scale, concentrate on vital events within specific timeframes. Display carefully selected month's events, reducing information overload, fostering deeper engagement with essential topics.

Engaging animations and interactions: In order to enhance user experience and provide a clearer visualization of functionality. The page loading animation allows understanding the direction of scrolling as well as the functionality of the page.


There are many space-related sites on the web. however, they focus on all even less important news. the main challenge was to place only the more important ones and how to show their scale as well as the time that was needed to discover this information. For this purpose, a portal was created with a timeline on which you can see individual months and the year in which new information was discovered.


There are many space-related sites on the web. However, they focus on all even less important news. The main challenge was to place only the more important ones and how to show their scale as well as the time that was needed to discover this information. For this purpose, a portal was created with a timeline on which you can see individual months and the year in which new information was discovered.